Viewing Device Status on Monitor Page

The Web interface's Monitor page provides basic status and information on the device. The page is useful in that it allows you to easily obtain an overview of the device's operating status at a glance.

To view device status and information on the Monitor home page:
On the Menu bar, click Monitor or if you are already in the Monitor menu's Navigation tree, click  Monitor.

The Monitor page displays the following groups of information:

Top bar, displaying general device information:
Address: IP address of the device's OAMP interface
Firmware: Software version currently running on the device
Type: Name of device
S/N: Serial number of device
SBC tab:

Active Calls: Displays the total number of currently active SBC calls. The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiSbcCallStatsCurrentGlobalActiveCallsIn.
Answer Seizure Ratio (ASR): Displays the number of successfully answered calls out of the total number of attempted calls. The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiSbcCallStatsCurrentGlobalAnswerSeizureRatio.
Average Call Duration (ACD): Displays the average call duration in seconds of established calls. The value is refreshed every 15 minutes and therefore, this value reflects the average duration of all established calls made within a 15 minute period. The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiSbcCallStatsCurrentGlobalAverageCallDuration.
Calls per Sec: Displays the total number of new calls per second (CPS).
Transactions per Sec: Displays the total number of new SIP transactions per second (out-of-dialog transactions such as INVITE and REGISTER, or in-dialog transactions such as UPDATE and BYE). The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiOtherStatsCurrentGlobalTransactionRate. The counter is applicable to SBC and Gateway calls.
Registered Users: Displays the number of users registered with the device. The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiOtherStatsCurrentGlobalRegisteredUsers.
GW tab:

Active Calls: Displays the total number of currently active Gateway calls. The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiGatewayCallStatsIntervalGlobalActiveCallsMax.
Tel-to-IP Answer Seizure Ratio (ASR): Displays the number of successfully answered Tel-to-IP calls out of the total number of attempted calls. The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiGatewayCallStatsIntervalGlobalAnswerSeizureRatioAvg.
Average Call Duration (ACD): Displays the average call duration in seconds of established calls. The value is refreshed every 15 minutes and therefore, this value reflects the average duration of all established calls made within a 15 minute period. The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiGatewayCallStatsCurrentGlobalAverageCallDuration.
Tel-to-IP Call Attempts per Sec.: Displays the current number of attempted Tel-to-IP calls per second. The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiGatewayCallStatsIntervalGlobalAttemptedCallsRateTel2IpAvg.
IP-to-Tel Call Attempts per Sec: Displays the current number of attempted IP-to-Tel calls per second. The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiGatewayCallStatsIntervalGlobalAttemptedCallsRateIp2TelAvg.
Transactions per Sec.: Displays the current number of SIP transactions per second (i.e., transaction rate). The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiGatewayOtherStatsCurrentGlobalTransactionRate.
Average Trunks Utilization: Displays the average number of trunks currently in use (busy). Only SIP requests are considered in the SIP transaction count. For example, a single SIP transaction is from the initial SIP INVITE request to the final SIP 200 OK response. The corresponding SNMP performance monitoring MIB is acKpiTrunkStatsIntervalTrunkUtilizationAvg.
Graphical Display of device: Shows color-coded status icons, as shown in the figure below and described in the subsequent table:

Graphical Display of Device on Monitor Page - Mediant 3100 Gateway & SBC

Description of Graphical Display of Device on Monitor Page

Item #1



When the icon is clicked, the General information box appears, displaying the following:

'Hostname': Displays the device's hostname (if configured). If empty, you can enter a hostname and then click to apply it. You can also configure a hostname as described in Configuring a Hostname for the Device.
'Operational State':  Displays the device’s operational status:
'S/N': Displays the device's serial number (click if you want to copy it to your clipboard)
'Product Key': device's product key
'License Key': Type of License Key (e.g., "Local") used by the device (for more information, see License Key)
'ARM Service': Indicates if the device uses AudioCodes ARM for routing (for more information, see Third-Party Routing Server or AudioCodes Routing Manager):
"Not Configured"
'QOE Status': Indicates if the device reports Quality of Experience (QoE) voice metric to OVOC (see Reporting QoE to OVOC for more information):
"Not Configured"
"Not Connected"
'OVOC Connectivity': Indicates the connectivity status between the device and OVOC, which is used by the device to send SNMP traps to OVOC, and by OVOC to perform various operations on the device such as software updates (see Configuring SNMP for OVOC Connectivity for more information).
"Not Connected"
'OVOC Tunnel': Indicates the WebSocket tunnel status between the device and OVOC (see Configuring WebSocket Tunnel with OVOC for more information):
"Not Configured"


Power LED, displaying the status of the Power Supply modules:

Green: The Power Supply modules are operating normally.
Red: One of the Power Supply modules is faulty


SYS LED, displaying the device's operating status:

Green: The device is operating normally .
Orange: The chassis is approaching the high temperature threshold (but not critical).
Red: A fatal error has occurred or the chassis is approaching the critical high temperature threshold.


TEL LED, displaying the status of the E1/T1 interfaces:

Green: Operating normally
Orange: One or more E1/T1 interfaces are temporary out-of-service.
Red: One or more E1/T1 interfaces are out-of-service.


PS1 and PS2 LEDs, displaying the status of Power Supply module #1 and Power Supply module #2, respectively

Green: The DC power output is good.
Red: The Power Supply module is not operating properly.

If you click a LED, a drop-down information box appears, displaying the following:

"Not Installed"
"Power Input Failure"
"Power Output Failure"
'Power Type': Displays the type of power:
"AC": An AC Power Supply module is installed in the chassis and connected to power.
"DC": A DC Power Supply module is installed in the chassis and connected to power.
"N/A": No Power Supply module is installed in the chassis slot, or a new Power Supply module is installed but not yet connected to power (DC or AC).

Below shows an example of an information box when PS1 is clicked:


FAN LED, displaying the status of the Fan Tray module:

Green: The Fan Tray module is operating normally.
Red: One or more fans of the Fan Tray module are faulty or the module is not installed.

If you click the LED, a drop-down information box appears, displaying the following:

"Not Installed"
'Speed': Fan speed:
"Low (25%)" - green
"Medium (50%)" - orange
"High (100%)" - red

Below shows an example of an information box when the LED is clicked:


RJ-48C port icons, displaying the status of the E1/T1 interfaces:

Gray: "Disabled" - trunk is not configured.
Green: "Active" - trunk is configured and synchronized.
Yellow: "RAI Alarm " - trunk has a Remote Alarm Indication (RAI), also known as the Yellow Alarm
Red: "LOS/LOF Alarm" - trunk has a loss due to LOS (Loss of Signal) or LOF (Loss of Frame).
Light blue:  "AIS Alarm" - trunk has an Alarm Indication Signal (AIS), also known as the Blue Alarm
Orange: "D-Channel Alarm" - trunk has a D-channel alarm.
Orange: "NFAS Alarm" - trunk has an NFAS alarm.

If you click a status icon, an information box appears, as shown in the following example:

'Description': Displays the descriptive name of the port (if configured). If you want to configure a description, click the line, type a description, and then click to save.
'Status': Displays the E1/T1 interface status (listed previously).
'Configuration State': "Active", "Inactive", "Not Configured", or "Lower Layer Down"
'Protocol Type': Displays the PSTN protocol variant configured for the E1/T1 interface.
'NFAS Configuration': Indicates if the interface is part of an NFAS group: "No NFAS", "Primary", "Backup", "NFAS", or "N/A"
Trunk Settings link: Click this link to open the Trunk Settings page, where this trunk was configured. For more information on configuring trunks, see Configuring Trunk Settings.
'Channel Status' table: Displays the status of each channel in the trunk ( click to view a legend of the status color codes):
Light blue:  (Inactive) channel is configured, but currently no calls
Gray: (Non Voice) channel is not configured
Green: (Active) a call is in progress (RTP traffic) and no alarms
Blue: (ISDN Signaling) channel is configured as the D-channel
Orange: (Maintenance) B-channel has been intentionally taken out of service due to maintenance
Red: (Out Of Service) B-channel is out of service

If you click a channel, the following information is displayed below the table:

'Status': Displays the status of the channel (see previous list of statuses)
'Trunk Group': Displays the Trunk Group to which the channel belongs
' Call State': "Idle", "Setup", "Alert", "Ringback", "Session", or "Release"
Channel Information link: Click this link to view detailed information and statistics of the selected channel. For more information, see Viewing Voice Channel Information.


Gigabit Ethernet port status icons:

Green: "Connected" - Ethernet link is working.
Gray: Ethernet link is not configured.
Red: "Disconnected" - Ethernet link error

If you click a status icon, an information box appears, as shown in the following example:

100 Mbps
'Duplex Mode':
"Half Duplex"
Physical Ports link: Click this link to view the Ethernet port's configuration. For more information, see Configuring Physical Ethernet Ports.
Ethernet Group: Displays the Ethernet Group of the port:
'Name': Displays the name of the Ethernet Group
'Mode': Displays the mode of the Ethernet Group
The image shows the ports sharing the Ethernet Group, including the status of each port. For example, the previous figure indicates that this Ethernet Group is shared by port 1 and 2 (denoted as GE_0 and GE_1 in the code)
Ethernet Group link: Click this link to view the Ethernet Group's configuration. For more information, see Configuring Ethernet Port Groups.


Serial (CONSOLE) port status icon, indicating if the port is connected to the serial cable:

Gray: Port is not connected
Green: Port is connected


USB port status icon, indicating if the port is connected to a USB storage device:

Gray: Not connected
Green: Connected


When the product model name is clicked, the Device information box appears, displaying the following:

'Device Up Time': Duration that the device has been up and running since the last restart (uptime). The duration is displayed in the following format:
'CPU Model': Model name of the CPU
'CPU Cores': Number of CPU cores
'DSP Cores': Number of DSP cores
'DSP S/W Version': DSP software version
'SD Card': Storage capacity of SD card
'Flash Size': Storage size of flash memory
'Memory': DDR memory size